Featured Brain Chunks

Featured Brain Chunks

Human brains have different lobes for different functions, find out which brain chunks of mine suit you best?


  • Creative Juice

    Whole prime Frontal Cortex: the hub of creativity, contribute most to creative thinking and ideation. This chunk pulls ideas together in an unexpected ways.

    Good for Creating Stuff & Designing

  • Skills Basal Bits

    100% Natural Basal Ganglia Bits: The basal ganglia process the memory of skills and how to do things. With time and practice, you get better at them.

    Good for Adobe Creative Suite

  • Occipital Flank

    Prime cut from the Occipital Lobe: the reason one can visualise scenes never actually witnessed before, hence the ability to visualise unseen concepts and designs

    Good for Visualising, Prototyping

  • Time Management Can

    Canned organic Prefrontal Cortex for time management and decision making, hence the ability to never hand in deliverables late

    Good for Time Management, Multi-tasking

  • Cerebral Box

    Pure Cerebal Cortex which allow capacities for learning and thinking, a logical part of my brain so to think about practicality and feasibility.

    Good for Creating User Flows, Wireframing

  • Hippocampus

    The hippocampus may be used in imagination to pull together ideas in unusual ways. This chunk brings me the random-est thoughts ever

    Good for ideation

  • Full Brain Value Pack

    Full package
    Why choose from all this chunks,
    when you could get a whole brain?

    Perfect for any Creative Occasion


Product Designer @iBlum Learning Company
& Freelancer Graphic Designer

2023- Current

Founder @Relationshop, Hong Kong

2020 - Current

Senior Art Director@
The Squad Co, Hong Kong


Assistant Art Director @
Tomorrow Communication, Hong Kong


Creative Intern @BBH China



Post-graduate Certificate in Interactive Media Management,
Centennial College

2022- Current

Bachelor’s Degree in Advertising Design, School of Design,
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
